
Deferring Uni: I Want the Full Experience!

  • University
  • Posted 12 months ago

1. Worried About Results?

If your results aren’t what you wanted, then don’t jump into deferring so that you can resit your exams without first talking to the university! It is not unusual for candidates to not achieve the grades that they expected and this year is even more uncertain than previous ones.

When your results come in, take the time to contact your university and discuss the situation. Many placements will be willing to consider you still if you can demonstrate a solid reason why you have not met the entry requirements. Take the chance to explain what makes you a well-rounded candidate and what they can expect from you should they decide to admit you.

2. Want to Enjoy Freshers?

If the cancellation of Freshers has put you off going to uni this year, then don’t defer without first considering all the alternative social options that are open to you. You must get to know new people and make new friends and universities are committed to ensuring that there is a range of activities and societies that you can join to make those friends.

Most universities also offer virtual social opportunities so that you can get to know people before you start. When the time comes to head off to halls, you will get the fun of meeting your new dorm mates in person and can organise a range of socially distanced activities that will fulfil your need to socialise without any danger.

3. Looking Forward to Lectures?

If you were looking forward to the fun of attending early morning lectures, then don’t defer in haste as a combination of remote and small group sessions seems to be the likely way forward, and this is not all bad. Universities have been planning and implementing new virtual systems so that students can enjoy an enriched educational offer without the need to traipse across campus in the mornings.

Many universities are also planning in-person sessions that respect social distancing and use a seminar-style to keep groups small. This type of teaching may end up being far more beneficial as you will have greater access to the lecturers with fewer people to compete against, meaning that you can get better clarity on aspects of the course that you find challenging.

4. Concerned About Work Placements When You Graduate?

If you are planning a deferral to give the economy a chance to improve, then this may not be the best ideas. Understandably, students are concerned that there will be no jobs for them on graduation, but the economic forecast suggests that the UK work market will hit recovery phase in 2024, the year most of the 2021 university entrants will graduate.

By opting to go ahead with your course this year, you could be making a great investment in your future and will have a range of exciting opportunities to apply for when graduation comes around. However, if you find that the economy needs another year when your course finishes, you can choose to pursue postgraduate education or even travel for a year before taking up work.

It’s clear to see that there are many factors that you need to consider before making the tough choice to defer. If you decide to proceed with a deferral, then you must have a plan of what you are going to do in the year before you attend. Using this time to gain experience and add to your CV is great or taking the time to head off on a travelling adventure will also help to expand your horizons.

When it comes to finding out all you need to know about life at university, we have you covered. Take a moment to head over to our website and tap into the wealth of information we have to help you plan your next step with ease.

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